before 2002 | 2002 - 2006 | 2007 - 2011 | 2012 - 2019 | since 2020
since 2020
- Motor domain phosphorylation increases nucleotide exchange and turns MYO6 into a faster and stronger motor. Janeska J. de Jonge, Andreas Graw, Vasileios Kargas, Christopher Batters, Antonino F. Montanarella, Tom O’Loughlin, Chloe Johnson, Susan D. Arden, Alan J. Warren, Michael A. Geeves, John Kendrick-Jones, Nathan R. Zaccai, Markus Kröss, Claudia Veigel & Folma Buss: Nature Communications Vol. 15, Article nr. 6716 (2024)
- Direct observation of the molecular mechanism underlying protein polymerization. Hundt Nikolas, Cole Daniel, Hantke Max F., Miller Jack J., Struwe Weston B. & Kukura Philipp: Science Advances Vol. 8, Article nr. 7935 (2022)
- Mass-Sensitive Particle Tracking to Characterize Membrane-Associated Macromolecule Dynamics. Steiert Frederik, Heermann Tamara, Hundt Nikolas & Schwille Petra: J. of Visualized Experiments Vol. 180, Article nr. e63583 (2022)
- Label-free, mass-sensitive single-molecule imaging using interferometric microscopy. Hundt Nikolas: Essays in Biochemistry Vol. 65, 81-91 (2021)
- Mass-Sensitive Particle Tracking to elucidate the membrane-associated MinDE reaction cycle. Heermann Tamara, Steiert Frederik, Ramm Beatrice, Hundt Nikolas & Schwille Petra: Nature Methods Vol. 18, 1239–1246 (2021)
- Myosin II Filament Dynamics in Actin Networks Revealed with Interferometric Scattering Microscopy. Mosby Lewis S., Hundt Nikolas, Young Gavin, Fineberg Adam, Polin Marco, Mayor Satyajit, Kukuma Philipp & Koster Darius: Biophysical Journal Vol. 118, 1946–1957(2020)
- Single-Molecule Biophysical Techniques to Study Actomyosin Force Transduction. Takagi Yasuharu, Hundt Nikolas & Fineberg Adam: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol. 1239, 85–126(2020)
2012 - 2019
- Reconstitution reveals how myosin-VI self-organises to generate a dynamic mechanism of membrane sculpting. Benoit Rogez, Laeschkir Würthner, Anastasiia B. Petrova, Felix B. Zierhut, Dario Saczko-Brack, Maria-Ana Huergo, Christopher Batters, Erwin Frey & Claudia Veigel: Nature Communications Vol. 10, Article nr. 3305 (2019)
- Self-organization of actin networks by a monomeric myosin. Saczko-Brack D, Warchol E, Rogez B, Kröss M, Heissler S M, Sellers J R, Batters C, Veigel C: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (2016) Nov 7
- Mechanics and Activation of Unconventional Myosins. Batters C, Veigel C: Traffic. Vol. 17(8) (2016) Aug
- Calcium gets myosin VI ready for work. Masters TA, Kendrick-Jones J, Buss F: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Vol.113 (9) (2016) Mar 1 Commentary in PNAS on our PNAS-Paper (2016) Jan 25
- Calcium can mobilize and activate myosin-VI. Batters C, Brack D, Ellrich H, Averbeck B, Veigel C: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (2016) Jan 25
- Myosin-10 produces its power-stroke in two phases and moves processively along a single actin filament under low-load. Takagi Y, Farrow RE, Billington N, Nagy A, Batters C, Yang Y, Sellers JR and Molloy JE: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014 May 6;111(18):E1833-42
- To understand muscle you must take it apart. Batters C, Veigel C, Homsher E, Sellers JR Front. Physiol. (2014)
- Calmodulin regulates dimerisation, motility and lipid binding of Leishmania myosin XXI. Batters C, Ellrich H, Helbig C, Woodall KA, Hundschell C, Brack D, Veigel C Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Vol. 111 (2): E227-E236 (2014)
- Activation of axonal Kv7 channels in human peripheral nerve by flupirtine but not placebo – therapeutic potential for peripheral neuropathies: results of a randomised controlled trial. Fleckenstein J, Sittl R, Averbeck B, Lang PM, Irnich D, Carr RW. J Transl Med 11:34 (2013)
- Thermal grill-evoked sensations of heat correlate with cold pain threshold and are enhanced by menthol and cinnamaldehyde. Averbeck B, Rucker F, Laubender RP, Carr RW. Europ J Pain 17: 724-734 (2013)
- Effect of envelope proteins on the mechanical properties of influenza virus. Schaap IAT, Eghiaian F, Des Georges A, Veigel C. J Biol Chem 287: 41078-88 (2012)
- Cloning, expression and characterisation of a novel molecular motor, Leishmania myosin-XXI. Batters C, Woodall KA, Toseland CP, Hundschell C, Veigel C. J Biol Chem 287:27556-66 (2012)
2007 - 2011
- Using optical tweezers to study the fine details of Myosin ATPase mechanochemical cycle. Batters C, Veigel C. Methods Mol Biol 778:97-109 (2011)
- Moving into the cell: single-molecule studies of molecular motors in complex environments. Veigel C, Schmidt CF. Nature Reviews Mol Cell Biol 12:163-176 (2011).
- Malaria Parasite Actin Polymerization and Filament Structure. Schmitz S; Schaap IAT, Kleinjung J, Harder S, Grainger M, Calder L, Rosenthal PB, Holder AA, Veigel C. J Biol Chem 285: 36577-36585 (2010).
- Fluorescence tools to measure helicase activity in real time. Toseland CP, Webb MR. Methods. 51: 259-68 (2010)
- Direct observation of the myosin-Va power stroke and its reversal. Sellers JR, Veigel C. Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 17:590-595 (2010) .
- Visualizing helicases unwinding DNA at the single molecule level. Fili N, Mashanov GI, Toseland CP, Batters C, Wallace MI, Yeeles JTP, Dillingham MS, Webb MR, Molloy JE. Nucleic Acids Research. 38: 4448-57 (2010).
- Visualisation of PCNA Monoubiquitination In Vivo by Single Pass Spectral Imaging FRET Microscopy. Batters C, Zhu HN, Sale JE. PLOS ONE. 5: e9008 (2010).
- Biochemistry. Friction in motor proteins. Veigel C, Schmidt CF. Science. 325: 826-7 (2009).
- Drug effect unveils inter-head cooperativity and strain-dependent ADP release in fast skeletal actomyosin. Albet-Torres N, Bloemink MJ, Barman T, Candau R, Frölander K, Geeves MA, Golker K, Herrmann C, Lionne C, Piperio C, Schmitz S, Veigel C, Månsson A. J Biol Chem. 284:22926-37 (2009).
- Drunk or sober? Myosin V walks the (quantum) dotted line in cells. Goldman YE, Veigel C. Biophys J. 97:399-400 (2009).
- The ATPase Cycle of PcrA Helicase and Its Coupling to Translocation on DNA. Toseland CP, Martinez-Senac MM, Slatter AF, Webb MR. Journal of Molecular Biology. 392: 1020-32 (2009)
- Formin' an invasion machine: actin polymerization in invading apicomplexans. Holder AA, Veigel C. Trends Parasitol. 25:1-3 (2009).
- Timing matters: error-prone gap filling and translesion synthesis in immunoglobulin gene hypermutation. Sale JE, Batters C, Edmunds CE, Phillips LG, Simpson LJ, Szüts D. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 364:595-603 (2009).
2002 - 2006
- Compartmental signal modulation: Endosomal phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate controls endosome morphology and selective cargo sorting. Fili N, Calleja V, Woscholski R, Parker PJ, Larijani B. PNAS. 103: 15473-8 (2006)
- Walking with myosin V. Sellers JR, Veigel C. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 18 : 68-73 (2006).
- Load-dependent kinetics of myosin-V can explain its high processivity. Veigel C, Schmitz S, Wang F, Sellers JR. Nature Cell Biol. 7:861-9 (2005).
- Malaria parasite actin filaments are very short. Schmitz S, Grainger M, Howell S, Calder LJ, Gaeb M, Pinder JC, Holder AA, Veigel C. J Mol Biol. 349: 113-25 (2005).
- Myosin VI: cellular functions and motor properties. Roberts R, Lister I, Schmitz S, Walker M, Veigel C, Trinick J, Buss F, Kendrick-Jones J. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 359: 1931-44 (2004).
- Myosin VI: a multifunctional motor. Lister I, Roberts R, Schmitz S, Walker M, Trinick J, Veigel C, Buss F, Kendrick-Jones J. Biochem Soc Trans. 32: 685-8 (2004).
- A monomeric myosin VI with a large working stroke. Lister I, Schmitz S, Walker M, Trinick J, Buss F, Veigel C, Kendrick-Jones J. EMBO J. 23: 1729-38 (2004).
- A model of stereocilia adaptation based on single molecule mechanical studies of myosin I. Batters C, Wallace MI, Coluccio LM, Molloy JE. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 359: 1895-905 (2004).
- Myo1c is designed for the adaptation response in the inner ear. Batters C, Arthur CP, Lin A, Porter J, Geeves MA, Milligan RA, Molloy JE, Coluccio LM. EMBO J. 23: 1433-40 (2004).
- Editorial: Molecular motors. Molloy JE, Veigel C. IEE Proc Nanobiotechnol. 150: 93 (2003).
- Load-dependent kinetics of force production by smooth muscle myosin measured with optical tweezers. Veigel C, Molloy JE, Schmitz S, Kendrick-Jones J. Nature Cell Biol. 5: 980-6 (2003).
- Molecular evolutionary convergence of the flight muscle protein arthrin in Diptera and hemiptera. Schmitz S, Schankin CJ, Prinz H, Curwen RS, Ashton PD, Caves LS, Fink RH, Sparrow JC, Mayhew PJ, Veigel C. Mol Biol Evol. 20: 2019-33 (2003).
- Biophysics. Myosin motors walk the walk. Molloy JE, Veigel C. Science. 300: 2045-6 (2003).
- Neck length and processivity of myosin V. Sakamoto T, Wang F, Schmitz S, Xu Y, Xu Q, Molloy JE, Veigel C, Sellers JR. J Biol Chem. 278: 29201-7 (2003).
- Nanometre resolution tracking of myosin-1b motility. Wallace MI, Batters C, Coluccio LM, Molloy JE. IEE Proc Nanobiotechnol. 150: 134-40 (2003).
- Molecular motors: force and movement generated by single myosin II molecules. Rüegg C, Veigel C, Molloy JE, Schmitz S, Sparrow JC, Fink RH. News Physiol Sci. 17: 213-8 (2002).
before 2002
- The gated gait of the processive molecular motor, myosin V. Veigel C, Wang F, Bartoo ML, Sellers JR, Molloy JE. Nature Cell Biol. 4: 59-65 (2002).Analysis of single-molecule mechanical recordings: application to acto-myosin interactions. Knight AE, Veigel C, Chambers C, Molloy JE. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 77: 45-72 (2001).
- An unexpectedly large working stroke from chymotryptic fragments of myosin II. Molloy JE, Kendrick-Jones J, Veigel C, Tregear RT. FEBS Lett. 480: 293-7 (2000).
- Motion determination in actin filament fluorescence images with a spatio-temporal orientation analysis method. Uttenweiler D, Veigel C, Steubing R, Götz C, Mann S, Haussecker H, Jähne B, Fink RH. Biophys J. 78: 2709-15 (2000).
- Drosophila ACT88F indirect flight muscle-specific actin is not N-terminally acetylated: a mutation in N-terminal processing affects actin function. Schmitz S, Clayton J, Nongthomba U, Prinz H, Veigel C, Geeves M, Sparrow J. J Mol Biol. 295: 1201-10 (2000).
- Actin residue glu(93) is identified as an amino acid affecting myosin binding. Razzaq A, Schmitz S, Veigel C, Molloy JE, Geeves MA, Sparrow JC. J Biol Chem. 274: 28321-8 (1999).
- The motor protein myosin-I produces its working stroke in two steps. Veigel C, Coluccio LM, Jontes JD, Sparrow JC, Milligan RA, Molloy JE. Nature. 398: 530-3 (1999).
- The stiffness of rabbit skeletal actomyosin cross-bridges determined with an optical tweezers transducer. Veigel C, Bartoo ML, White DC, Sparrow JC, Molloy JE. Biophys J. 75: 1424-38 (1998).